Saturday, July 6, 2024

Why Does My Prostate Hurt

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How Is It Diagnosed


Painful ejaculation itself is usually not considered a condition. Rather, a doctor will consider this a complication of an underlying disease. The cause behind the painful ejaculation needs to be identified.

The doctor will generally start by asking the patient a few questions. The doctor will ask about the specific symptoms the man experience. The patient will also be asked about a history of sexually transmitted infections. If the man didnt receive a comprehensive ST test recently, this might be advised.

All of the data helps the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will look at all possibilities.

They may perform a digital rectal exam too. In some cases, the doctor may ask for a prostate-specific antigen test to be performed. During this test, they take a blood sample. It helps with the diagnosis of problems like prostate cancer. The doctor will consider benign prostatic hyperplasia as a possible cause too.

Treatments That A Specialist May Suggest

Various treatments have been tried for chronic prostatitis. They may benefit some people but so far there are few research studies to confirm whether they help in most cases. They are not ‘standard’ or routine treatments but a specialist may advise that you try one.

For chronic bacterial prostatitis, possible treatments may include the following:

  • A longer course of antibiotics. If the specialist suspects that you have chronic bacterial prostatitis and your symptoms have not cleared after a four-week course of antibiotics, they may suggest a longer course. Sometimes a course of up to three months is used.
  • Removal of the prostate may be considered if you have small stones in the prostate. It is not clear how much this may help but it has been suggested that these small stones may be a reason why some people have recurrent infections in chronic bacterial prostatitis. However, this is not commonly carried out and is not suitable in everyone. Your specialist will advise.

For chronic prostatitis/CPPS, possible treatments may include the following:

Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

Because the prostate is positioned so close to the bladder, penis and rectum, most disorders which cause enlargement of the prostate share several basic symptoms. These include:

  • An urgent, at times uncontrollable, need to urinate, which may lead to incontinence if the person canât make it to the bathroom in time
  • Trouble urinating
  • Sexual problems and loss of sex drive
  • Postcoital pain

In the case of prostate cancer there may be no immediate symptoms, or there may be urinary symptoms like those listed above. In addition, there may be symptoms such as:

  • Hematuria or blood in semen
  • New onset of erectile dysfunction
  • Back, especially lower back, hip or pelvic pain
  • Unexplained weight loss

Good to know: A lot of the urinary symptoms above could also be caused by diabetes or may be related to the use of certain medications. If any of these symptoms are detected, it is of paramount importance that a physician is consulted and the cause diagnosed, so that appropriate next steps can be taken.

Worried you may have an enlarged prostate? Start your free symptom assessment in the Ada app.

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When To Seek Medical Care

A person may have urinary symptoms unrelated to prostatitis that are caused by bladder problems, UTIs, or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Symptoms of prostatitis also can signal more serious conditions, including prostate cancer.

Men with symptoms of prostatitis should see a health care provider.

Men with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical care:

  • complete inability to urinate
  • great discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen and urinary tract

What Are Clinical Trials And Are They Right For You

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Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Researchers also use clinical trials to look at other aspects of care, such as improving the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. Find out if clinical trials are right for you.

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How Will Your Doctor Diagnose A Prostate Infection

A prostate infection diagnosis is based on your medical history, a physical exam, and medical tests. Your doctor can also rule out other serious conditions such as prostate cancer during the exam. During a physical exam, your doctor will conduct a digital rectal exam to test your prostate and will look for:

  • discharge
  • enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the groin
  • swollen or tender scrotum

Your doctor may also ask about your symptoms, recent UTIs, and medications or supplements youre taking. Other medical tests that can help your diagnosis and treatment plan include:

  • urinalysis or semen analysis, to look for infections
  • a prostate biopsy or a blood test for prostate-specific antigen
  • urodynamic tests, to see how your bladder and urethra store urine
  • cystoscopy, to look inside the urethra and bladder for blockage

Your doctor may also order an ultrasound to get a closer look. The cause will help determine the correct course of treatment.

How Are Bacterial Forms Of Prostatitis Managed Or Treated

Antibiotics can kill bacteria that cause bacterial types of prostatitis. Men with acute bacterial prostatitis may need 14 to 30 days of antibiotics, starting with IV antibiotics in the hospital. Rarely, men need surgery to drain an abscess on the prostate.

Treating chronic bacterial prostatitis is challenging. You may need up to three months of antibiotics to sterilize the prostate. If the prostate cant be sterilized, low-dose antibiotics can be used long term to prevent recurrences. Some men need surgery to remove prostate stones or scar tissue in the urethra. Rarely, surgeons remove part or all of the prostate gland .

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How To Naturally Improve Your Sexual Health

When it comes to mens health, sex drive and sexual performance are critical. A low sex drive makes a man less interested in having sex.

Men with low testosterone are likely to experience a poor sex drive too. This is because testosterone stimulates the libido in men.

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Testo-Booster is an all-natural, clinical-grade testosterone supplement that works as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle to help manage testosterone levels.

In this natural testosterone treatment, Testo-Booster works by activating receptors in the pituitary gland, which sends signals to the testes to boost the production of testosterone. This, therefore, results in greater strength, increased muscle gain and growth, and improved male sexual performance.

What Is Painful Ejaculation

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Painful ejaculation refers to pain symptoms that occur when a man ejaculates. This is not an uncommon problem among the male population.

There are also several reasons why this may occur. In some men, the painful ejaculation may only be acute and happen temporarily.

There are also cases where the condition can become a more chronic problem.

A lot of men tend to feel embarrassed about a problem with painful ejaculation. It is something that can interfere with the mans abilities in the bedroom. Sometimes, men may prefer not to participate in sexual intercourse. The idea is to reduce the risk of experiencing pain in the genital region.

The result may be complications in the patients relationship. Poor self-esteem has also been linked to painful ejaculation. The avoidance of sexual activities can turn into mental problems as well.

Men should understand that there are treatments available. In many cases, treatment would yield successful results. This can help the patient regain their confidence in the bedroom. It can also help to alleviate the pain the man experience during ejaculation.

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Treatment Options For Prostatitis

Your treatment for prostatitis will depend on the cause. Antibiotics are often used to treat bacterial prostatitis. If you have a more severe infection, you may need to get antibiotics through your vein. You may have to take antibiotics for two weeks or longer until the infection clears up.

Other treatments you and your doctor may consider include:

  • alpha-blockers, which are medicines that relax the muscles around the prostate and help you urinate more easily
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as ibuprofen or aspirin , for pain relief
  • prostate massage

You can also soak in a warm bath or sit on a cushion to ease the pressure on your prostate.

Symptoms For Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

If you have acute bacterial prostatitis the symptoms usually develop very quickly. They include:

  • a high temperature , feeling feverish, sweating, chills and shivering
  • pain in the area between your testicles and back passage , the skin around your testicles , your penis, lower back, muscles or joints in your pelvic area, inner thighs, and sometimes in your back passage
  • needing to urinate more often, especially at night
  • a sudden urge to urinate
  • pain when urinating
  • difficulty urinating.

About 1 in 10 men with this type of prostatitis find they suddenly and painfully cant urinate. This is called acute urine retention. It needs treating straight away, usually at a hospital. The doctor or nurse will pass a thin, flexible tube called a catheter up your penis into your bladder to drain the urine. Or they might pass the catheter through the wall of your stomach area . This will help drain urine from your bladder.

Dont wait

It is very important to seek medical advice immediately if you think you might have acute bacterial prostatitis and have a high temperature. It needs treating straight away.

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Prostatitis And Lower Back Pain

Why prostatitis will cause back pain? Doctor Ming experts pointed out that the reason is because when the male friends ejaculation, the prostate contraction will appear back pain or pain, thus affecting the hardness of the penis, a direct impact on sexual life , So prostatitis must pay attention to treatment.

Back pain in the sex life which is more common, the symptoms can also cause severe male sexual desire diminished, and even fear of sexual intercourse, asexual satisfaction. A long time there will be a cold. This will affect the coupleâs normal i life and feelings. In addition, prostatitis is not timely treatment will be pain pain spread to other parts of the body, which is also a common phenomenon of the waist.

Prostatitis is caused by back pain, the discomfort is caused by the patient will work in life is very unhappy, male patients will often feel irritable, anxious, so to timely treatment of prostatitis, and prostatitis The pain is not only back pain, as well as patients with abdominal pain, thigh pain, anal pain, these are only physical pain, the most important thing is to affect sexual function.

How Common Is Prostatitis

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Prostatitis is the most common urinary tract problem for men younger than age 50 and the third most common urinary tract problem for men older than age 50.1 Prostatitis accounts for about two million visits to health care providers in the United States each year.2

Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is

  • the most common and least understood form of prostatitis.
  • can occur in men of any age group.
  • affects 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population.3

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Causes Of Burning Sensation After Ejaculation

There are a few different things that can cause penis pain after ejaculation. These include:

For any cause, penis pain after urination or ejaculation needs to be discussed with your doctor. If the cause is infectious it is important to get treatment as early as possible to avoid complications. Men do not often know they have infections and untreated can cause kidney infections, infertility, and severe inflammation. Prostate cancer is highly treatable in the early stages of the disease.

Treatment Options For Bph

BPH is treated with medications that shrink the prostate and reduce urinary symptoms.

Drugs called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors block conversion of testosterone to a substance that contributes to the benign prostate growth, called dihydrotestosterone . These drugs include dutasteride and finasteride .

Drugs called alpha-blockers can help relax the prostate and bladder neck, and improve urine flow. These drugs include doxazosin , tamsulosin , and terazosin .

Your doctor may prescribe one of these drugs or a combination of them.

If medications dont help or your symptoms are severe, your urologist may recommend a less invasive procedure to destroy the extra prostate tissue and widen the urethra within the prostate. The procedure may use one of the following:

  • heat with radiofrequency ablation
  • high-intensity ultrasound waves
  • electric current vaporization

Surgery is a longer-term solution. During BPH surgery, the doctor uses a cutting wire loop or laser to cut away the excess prostate tissue.

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Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesnât mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

  • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
  • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a manâs relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
  • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

What Are The Different Types Of A Prostate Biopsy Procedure

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The surgeon can choose any of the three different ways of performing a prostate biopsy. These are as follows:

  • Transrectal method: This is the most common method of performing a prostate biopsy. In this, the surgical instruments are inserted through the rectum .
  • Perineal method: This is done through the area lying between the scrotum and rectum.
  • Transurethral method: A cystoscope is inserted through the urethra .

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Latest Men’s Health News

At the start, prostate cancer does not cause symptoms. As the cancer grows, you may have trouble urinating. Some men need to urinate often, especially at night. Others have pain or burning during urination, blood in the urine or semen, pain in the back, hips, or pelvis, and painful ejaculation.

To find out if these symptoms are caused by prostate cancer, your doctor will ask about your past medical problems and your family’s medical history. He or she will perform a physical exam. During the exam, your doctor will put a gloved finger into your rectum to feel your prostate for hard or lumpy areas.

Your doctor may also do a blood test to check the prostate-specific antigen level. PSA levels can be high in men with an enlarged prostate gland or with prostate cancer. You may also need an ultrasound exam that takes computer pictures of the prostate.

If tests show that you might have cancer, your doctor will want to confirm this with a biopsy. He or she will take out tiny pieces of the prostate to look for cancer cells. Your doctor may want to do a biopsy again to re-check the results.

Treatment for prostate cancer depends on whether cancer is in part or all of the prostate or if it has spread to other parts of the body. It also depends on your age and overall health. Talk with your doctor about the best treatment choice for you. You may want to ask another doctor for a second opinion.

Risk Factors For Prostatitis:

Many times, the exact cause for prostatitis is not fully determined or understood. However, there are certain risk factors that may increase your chance of acquiring prostatitis. The most common risk factors include:

  • Risky sexual practices: As described above, a sexually transmitted disease may cause prostatitis. Therefore, practicing safe sexual practices can reduce a mans chances of acquiring prostatitis.
  • Prostate stones
  • Trauma to rectal/testicular area

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What Are The Complications Of Prostatitis

Men with acute bacterial prostatitis may develop . This widespread inflammation can be life-threatening. It requires immediate medical treatment.

Antibiotics can cause an upset stomach. Men with chronic bacterial prostatitis may need lots of antibiotics to treat recurring infections. Some people develop antibiotic resistance, making treatment ineffective.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis can lower sperm count, affecting fertility.

Mayo Clinic Finds What Causes Men Pain In Prostate Biopsy And Best Method To Alleviate It

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Mayo Clinic
Researchers at Mayo Clinic have evaluated the major sources of pain for some men during in-office prostate biopsy and an anesthetic method that can best lessen it. Findings were presented recently at the annual meeting of the North Central Section of the American Urological Association in San Diego. Most prostate biopsies are performed on men who have abnormal digital rectal exams or abnormally elevated prostate-specific antigen tests to evaluate the potential presence of cancer.

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have evaluated the major sources of pain for some men during in-office prostate biopsy and an anesthetic method that can best lessen it. Findings were presented recently at the annual meeting of the North Central Section of the American Urological Association in San Diego.

Most prostate biopsies are performed on men who have abnormal digital rectal exams or abnormally elevated prostate-specific antigen tests to evaluate the potential presence of cancer.

“Prostate biopsy evokes significant anxiety for some men due to anticipated pain associated with the procedure,” says Richard Ashley, M.D., Mayo Clinic urology resident and lead study investigator. “We also noted that it seemed more men had pain with their prostate biopsies than we would have liked, and we wanted to make this procedure as comfortable as possible.”

The findings in this study need to be verified by other researchers in a larger study, according to Dr. Ashley.

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