Monday, July 1, 2024

How Bad Is Prostate Cancer

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More On Prostate Cancer

Foods to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Cancer

Prof Sanders added: The prevalence of prostate cancer has increased markedly in South East and East Asia, where few dairy products are consumed, which would indicate that life-style factors, other than dairy food consumption, are responsible from the global epidemic prostate cancer.

The prostate is a small gland lying close to the bladder which produces a component of semen which nourishes sperm.

Its the most common form of cancer in men in Britain and its estimated that one in eight will develop it at some point.

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If Your Prostate Cancer Comes Back

If your cancer goes into remission but later returns, follow-up treatments will depend on where the cancer is located and which treatments youâve already tried.

  • If the cancer is contained in your prostate, surgery or a second attempt at radiation is suggested. If youve had a radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy is a good option. If you had radiation, radical prostatectomy might be the best approach. Cryosurgery might also be an option.
  • If the cancer has spread to other parts of your body, hormone therapy might be the most effective treatment. External or IV radiation therapy or bisphosphonate drugs can relieve your bone pain.

Does Dairy Cause Or Prevent Cancer An Objective Look

Cancer risk is strongly affected by diet.

Many studies have examined the relationship between dairy consumption and cancer.

Some studies indicate that dairy may protect against cancer, while others suggest that dairy may increase cancer risk.

The most commonly consumed dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt, cream and butter.

This article reviews the evidence linking dairy products with cancer, looking at both sides of the argument.

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Foods Which Are Good & Bad For The Prostate

Masculinity is not solely determined by the sexual and reproductive capacity of an individual. But they play an important role in the levels of self-esteem of the stronger sex, as well as the way that they view themselves. Men, who cannot meet the expectations of their partners, usually have trouble connecting and staying in a relationship. They secretly blame themselves, giving the erectile dysfunction a pronounced psychological nuance. This only exacerbates the problem.

Are prostate problems common in men over 60? Can we be sure that we will suffer from such? What are the possible methods of natural prevention at home? What role do the foods we consume play in our sexual and reproductive health?

Those who want to enjoy shared intimate pleasure in their relationship should look after their health. Many wait until the problematic urination and premature or delayed ejaculation become chronic before going to the doctor. But this only deepens the risk of worsening sexual dysfunction and developing prostate cancer.

Most experts recommend doing special exercises to prevent enlargement of the prostate gland. Urologists also advise men to increase their intake of some foods. Mainly the ones rich in zinc, iron, and Vitamin C. They can compensate for the bigger number of products on the menu with the exclusion of others that have a negative effect on the genitourinary organs.

Lets find out which the good and bad for the health of the prostate foods are.

Talk With Your Doctor

Enlarged prostate could actually be stopping tumor growth ...

Prostate cancer is a risk for all men as they age, but if its caught and treated early, the outlook is generally very good. So as you get older, be sure to have open conversations with your doctor about your risk.

If you have any symptoms you think might be prostate cancer, talk to your doctor right away. And even if you dont have symptoms, consider adopting a healthy lifestyle to decrease your risk.

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What Are The Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Most early prostate cancers are detected with PSA tests or digital rectal exams before they cause any symptoms. However, more advanced prostate cancers can cause a variety of symptoms including:

  • Trouble starting to urinate .
  • Urinating much more often than usual.
  • The feeling that you can’t release all of your urine.
  • Pain with urination or ejaculation.
  • Blood in your urine or semen.
  • Impotence/erectile dysfunction.
  • Numbness in the lower extremities.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control.

All of these symptoms can be caused by things other than prostate cancer, so experiencing them doesn’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. When older men have problems urinating, it is usually caused by a problem called benign prostatic hyperplasia , which is not prostate cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to see your provider for testing.

How Much Dairy Should I Eat Or Drink

Milk and dairy are good sources of calcium and protein. Having some dairy or dairy alternatives is recommended in the NHS Eatwell Guide, as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Not everyone can eat dairy and some people choose not to. Dairy alternatives such as calcium-fortified soya versions of milk, cheese and yoghurt, are also good sources of calcium. Try to have low-sugar and reduced-fat versions of dairy or dairy-alternatives.

Fish with bones, nuts and green, leafy vegetables are also sources of calcium.

Government guidelines recommend that adults aged 19 to 64 have 700mg of calcium a day. For more information on recommended calcium intake and dairy portion sizes, see the British Dietetic Association calcium fact sheet.

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Physical Emotional And Social Effects Of Cancer

Cancer and its treatment cause physical symptoms and side effects, as well as emotional, social, and financial effects. Managing all of these effects is called palliative care or supportive care. It is an important part of your care that is included along with treatments intended to slow, stop, or eliminate the cancer.

Palliative care focuses on improving how you feel during treatment by managing symptoms and supporting patients and their families with other, non-medical needs. Any person, regardless of age or type and stage of cancer, may receive this type of care. And it often works best when it is started right after a cancer diagnosis. People who receive palliative care along with treatment for the cancer often have less severe symptoms, better quality of life, and report that they are more satisfied with treatment.

Palliative treatments vary widely and often include medication, nutritional changes, relaxation techniques, emotional and spiritual support, and other therapies. You may also receive palliative treatments similar to those meant to get rid of the cancer, such as chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy.

Before treatment begins, talk with your doctor about the goals of each treatment in the treatment plan. You should also talk about the possible side effects of the specific treatment plan and palliative care options.

It Means That The More Pufas That A Man Consumed The Higher The Incidence Of Prostate Cancer

Over-diagnosis of low-grade prostate cancer, good or bad?

PUFAs are the oils found in seed oils, such as soybean, canola, peanut corn, and the rest.

And the inverse association for vitamin E means that higher vitamin E levels correspond to lower prostate cancer levels.

There was nothing else particularly significant.

Men consuming large amounts of butter or olive oil were not any more likely to get prostate cancer.

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Looking For More On How To Track Side Effects

Cancer.Net offers several resources to help you keep track of your symptoms and side effects. Please note that these links will take you to other sections of Cancer.Net:

  • Cancer.Net Mobile: The free Cancer.Net mobile app allows you to securely record the time and severity of symptoms and side effects.

  • ASCO Answers Managing Pain:Get this 32-page booklet about the importance of pain relief that includes a pain tracking sheet to help patients record how pain affects them. The free booklet is available as a PDF, so it is easy to print out.

  • ASCO Answers Fact Sheets: Read 1-page fact sheets on anxiety and depression, diarrhea, rash, and immunotherapy side effects that provide a tracking sheet to record details about the side effect. These free fact sheets are available as a PDF, so they are easy to print, fill out, and give to your health care team.

The next section in this guide is Follow-up Care. It explains the importance of checkups after cancer treatment is finished. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.

Learn more about the importance of follow-up care.

Watchful Waiting And Active Surveillance

Watchful waiting is an adequate approach in patients who are at low risk of death from prostate cancer because of their limited life expectancy due to severe comorbidities., Watchful waiting resulted in similar overall survival when compared with radical prostatectomy, but disease-specific survival was better in patients who had undergone surgery. For some patients it turns out to be hard to persist on a watchful waiting policy, and many men drop out and seek active treatment within several years, mostly when PSA elevation is noted.

Active surveillance is a novel and fascinating approach to distinguish between patients who are at higher risk and need active therapy and patients who are at low risk for disease progression., This approach avoids the risks of therapy while allowing early detection of those patients who are prone to progress. In these high-risk individuals, delayed active treatment is offered. Periodic monitoring of the PSA serum level, digital rectal exam, and repeated prostate biopsies are performed in patients who are on active surveillance, and active therapy is started when predefined threshold values are reached. This concept makes it possible to offer curative treatment to individuals who are at high risk for disease progression as indicated by active surveillance parameters.

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What Drinks Are Bad For Your Prostate

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. Likewise, people ask, what is the best thing to drink for your prostate?

Drink tea. Both green tea and hibiscus tea are among the top drinks for prostate health. Both types of tea contain potent antioxidants. Studies show that green tea can help prevent prostate cancer from forming and may also slow the growth of aggressive prostate cancer.

Also Know, what should you not drink with an enlarged prostate? Caffeine: Caffeine may act as a diuretic, which means that it increases how much, how often, and how urgently a person has to urinate. Cutting back on coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate may improve urinary symptoms of BPH. Alcohol: Alcohol can also stimulate urine production.

Simply so, what foods are bad for your prostate?

1.Red meat and processed meat

  • lean poultry, like skinless turkey or chicken.
  • fresh or canned fish, such as tuna, salmon, or sardines.
  • beans and legumes, like split peas, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, and kidney beans.
  • nuts and nut butters.

Does drinking water help enlarged prostate?

Why drinking more water can help reduce your symptomsAnd drinking more water can have other positive effects. As a result, constipation is thought to worsen your enlarged prostate symptoms. So as long as you dont suddenly start drinking litres and litres, a gradual increase in water intake can really help.

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Low Carb + High Fat = Less Prostate Cancer

Al Roker Reveals He Has Prostate Cancer: âItâs a Good

The high rate of prostate cancercancer in North America is linked to the high fat content of the typical American and Canadian mans diet.

Critics have blamed low-carb, weight lossweight loss diets for encouraging consumption of foods with high-fat content. Are these diets really so bad? No at least when it comes to prostate cancer, suggest Vasundara Venkateswaran, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Venkateswarans team grafted human prostate cancers onto mice. They then fed some of the mice a low-carb/high-fat diet. Other mice got a high-carb/high-fat diet.

The animals on the low-carb diet lost weight. And despite the high-fat content of their meals, the animals prostate tumors grew slower than those in the animals on a high-carb diet. It appears that the low-carb diet lowered the animals insulin levels, thereby slowing tumor growth.

A low-carb/high-fat diet, in addition to helping people lose weight, may play a role in decreasing the risk of prostate cancer, Venkateswaran said, at a news conference. Now clinical trials have to be done.

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Improvement To Bladder And Urinary Health

Pygeum improves urination symptoms in men with BPH. A Cochrane metaanalysis review, the gold standard of research studies, showed pygeum modulates bladder contractility, allowing for a 25% improvement in both increasing urinary flow and decreasing bladder residual volume or amount of urine left in the bladder after urinating. Pygeum also decreases nighttime urination by up to 20% in males.

The Test Is Often Not Needed

Most men with high PSAs dont have prostate cancer. Their high PSAs might be due to:

  • An enlarged prostate gland.
  • Recent sexual activity.
  • A recent, long bike ride.

Up to 25% of men with high PSAs may have prostate cancer, depending on age and PSA level. But most of these cancers do not cause problems. It is common for older men to have some cancer cells in their prostate glands. These cancers are usually slow to grow. They are not likely to spread beyond the prostate. They usually dont cause symptoms, or death.

Studies show that routine PSA tests of 1,000 men ages 55 to 69 prevent one prostate cancer death. But the PSA also has risks.

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Myth: Prostate Cancer Treatment Always Causes Impotence

Fact: According to research published in the December 2014 issue of the International Journal of Urology, theres been progress in developing models to predict erectile dysfunction after localized treatment for prostate cancer. Sartor says avoiding impotence depends on many factors, including the skill of the surgeon who is operating on you. But as surgical techniques are improving, people are recovering faster and having fewer side effects.

According to Sartor, one year after surgery, approximately 25 percent of patients will say their function is fine, 25 percent will have mild dysfunction, 25 percent will have moderate dysfunction, and 25 percent say they have severe dysfunction.

Age can also be a complicating factor, adds Wei: As men get into their sixties and seventies, a lot of them already have some compromise of sexual function. Prostate cancer treatment certainly wont correct this problem, but it also isnt likely to make it significantly worse for most men.

Are Prostate Problems Always A Sign Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Screening (the good, the bad, the ugly)

Not all growths in the prostate are cancerous, and not all prostate problems indicate cancer. Other conditions that cause similar prostate cancer symptoms include:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia : At some point, almost every man will develop benign prostatic hyperplasia . This condition enlarges the prostate gland but doesnt increase cancer risk. The swollen gland squeezes the urethra and blocks the flow of semen and urine. Medications, and sometimes surgery, can help.
  • Prostatitis: Men younger than 50 are more prone to prostatitis, inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland. Bacterial infections are often the cause. Treatments include antibiotics or other medications.

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What Are The Stages Of Prostate Cancer

Your healthcare provider uses the Gleason score and Grade Groups to stage prostate cancer based on its projected aggressiveness. To get this information, the pathologist:

  • Assigns a grade to each type of cell in your sample. Cells are graded on a scale of three to five . Samples that test in the one to two range are considered normal tissue.
  • Adds together the two most common grades to get your Gleason score .
  • Uses the Gleason score to place you into a Grade Group ranging from one to five. A Gleason score of six puts you in Grade Group 1 . A score of nine or higher puts you in Grade Group five . Samples with a higher portion of more aggressive cells receive a higher Grade Group.

Surgery For Prostate Cancer

There are many types of surgery for prostate cancer. Some are done to try to cure the cancer others are done to control the cancer or make symptoms better. Talk to the doctor about the kind of surgery planned and what you can expect.

Side effects of surgery

Any type of surgery can have risks and side effects. Be sure to ask the doctor what you can expect. If you have problems, let your doctors know so they can help you.

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What Role Does Choline Play

Choline is an essential nutrient found in eggs that helps cells repair and rebuild every time they divide.

Eggs are the most abundant source of choline, with about 683 mg choline per 100 grams of yolk.

The problem is that choline is also found in prostate cancer cells. As such, there are fears about whether or not choline can increase your risk of developing prostate cancer.

Another factor is that dietary choline is transformed into trimethylamine in the gut.

Research has suggested that the trimethylamine produced from high levels of dietary choline intake may increase inflammation, which in turn, could promote prostate cancer progression to lethal disease.

A study looking at the relationship between choline intake and aggressive prostate cancer was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

There were 47896 men involved in the study. Their diet was assessed 6 times over 22 years.

Men who consumed the highest amount of choline had a 70% increase in developing aggressive prostate cancer compared to men with the lowest intake of choline.

However, this finding is confined to a small population in America. Studies in other countries are required to determine if choline is truly linked to prostate cancer .

One of the issues with the theory that choline in eggs increases prostate cancer risk is that there are more prominent contributors to choline in the American diet, such as wheat germ .

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