Sunday, September 1, 2024

Blood In Urine After Prostate Radiation

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Proton Beam Radiation Therapy

Radiation Therapy Side Effects for Prostate Cancer Patients

Proton beam therapy focuses beams of protons instead of x-rays on the cancer. Unlike x-rays, which release energy both before and after they hit their target, protons cause little damage to tissues they pass through and release their energy only after traveling a certain distance. This means that proton beam radiation can, in theory, deliver more radiation to the prostate while doing less damage to nearby normal tissues. Proton beam radiation can be aimed with techniques similar to 3D-CRT and IMRT.

Although in theory proton beam therapy might be more effective than using x-rays, so far studies have not shown if this is true. Right now, proton beam therapy is not widely available. The machines needed to make protons are very expensive, and they arent available in many centers in the United States. Proton beam radiation might not be covered by all insurance companies at this time.

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What To Do About Changes When You Urinate

Narrator:What to do about changes when you urinate caused by radiation therapy.

Having problems when you urinate? Listen to solutions from other people undergoing radiation therapy. Also, hear advice from Dr. Ross. Then talk with your own doctor or nurse to learn more.

Miguel:Tip number 1: Drink lots of liquids each day.It’s good for your urine to be clear or a pale yellow color. My doctor says that tells you you’re getting enough liquids. Most people find drinking about 8 cups of liquid a day does the trick. Of course, check to make sure that’s the best amount for you, too.

Cara:Tip number 2: Water is wonderful, but you may want more zip in your sip.I like water, but found it was hard to get enough water each day. I was glad to learn that Jell-O and soups also count as liquids. To add some zip to what I drink, I have water with a little lemon and watered-down juices.

Rodney:Tip number 3: Lose the booze.My doctor told me that wine, liquor, or even beer could really bother my bladder. So now I limit these liquids. Some people may need to stay away from wine, liquor, and beer altogether to avoid irritating their bladder.

My doctor also told me to stay away from caffeine in coffee, colas, or teas. They could make my bladder problems worse. I now choose flavored decaf coffees and tasty herbal teas.

Dr. Ross:Hi, I’m Dr. Ross and you just heard 3 great tips to keep bladder problems under control.

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  • January 23, 2020

Complications And Recovery After Prostate Surgery

The healing process and possible complications should be well monitored after prostate cancer. As with any surgery, postoperative care and the recovery process is important after prostate surgery. Some complications such as bleeding and pain are quite common in the postoperative period of prostate surgery. In addition, it is recommended to check the patient for the signs of infection in the surgical site.

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Another type of prostate issue is chronic prostatitis, or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This condition causes pain in the lower back and groin area, and may cause urinary retention. Symptoms include leaking and discomfort. In severe cases, a catheter may be required to relieve the symptoms. If the problem is unresponsive to other treatments, your doctor may suggest a surgical procedure. If these do not work, your symptoms could progress and become chronic.

An acute bacterial infection can cause a burning sensation. Inflammation of the prostate can affect the bladder and result in discomfort and other symptoms. This is the most common urinary tract problem in men under 50, and the third most common in men over 65. The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis are similar to those of CPPS. Patients may experience a fever or chills as a result of the infection.

Prostate Radiation Vs Robotic Prostatectomy

External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

It is not possible to decide which treatment is better or more effective radiation or robotic prostatectomy, due to the fact that everybody has different stages of prostate cancer and other health-related issues. Below are enumerated pros and cons for each type of treatment, but every patient needs to take into account what his doctor is telling and suggesting.

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Gross Hematuria After Prostate Brachytherapy

  • Kent WallnerCorrespondenceReprint requests: Kent Wallner, M.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, No. 174, Puget Sound Health Care System, Department of Veterans Affairs, 1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle, WA 98108-1597, USAAffiliationsDepartment of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USADepartment of Radiation Oncology, Puget Sound Health Care System, Department of Veterans Affairs, Seattle, Washington, USA

Reducing Your Risk Of Complications

You can help reduce the chance of certain complications by:

  • following activity, dietary, and lifestyle restrictions and recommendations before surgery and during recovery
  • notifying your doctor immediately of any concerns, such as bleeding, bloody urine, , an increase in pain, or a change in urination
  • seeing your doctor as instructed before and after surgery
  • taking your medications exactly as directed
  • telling all members of your care team if you have any

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Scheduling Appointments For Enlarged Prostate Treatment At New York Urology Specialists

We have excellent reviews from patients and their partners. Information for out-of-state and international patients. Find out our office hours or directions to our office.

We offer affordable appointment prices with or without insurance. We offer weekday, weekend, and evening office hours.

Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger is a board-certified urologist and specialist in the treatment of urinary problems in men. He is one of the few urologists who offers a full range of treatment options for BPH . He specializes in all aspects of care for men with an enlarged prostate and urinary problems, including frequent urination at night, difficulty emptying the bladder, urinary urgency, and incontinence. He has successfully treated thousands of men with urinary problems, including urinary retention, painful urination, and frequent urination.

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What Is A Late Effect

When is radiation therapy appropriate after surgery for prostate cancer? (Colleen Lawton, MD)

A late effect is a side effect that is caused by treatment but happens months to years after the cancer treatment has finished. Some side effects that you develop during treatment can last for months to years after treatment is completed . These are often called long-term side effects.

Late effects can be health issues or psychological, emotional, and practical challenges.

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Surgical Methods For Performing A Prostatectomy

Traditionally, prostatectomies are carried out by open surgery, in which the surgeon makes a single, long incision in the skin and then removes the prostate gland and any other required surrounding tissues. However, due to technological advancements, it has become possible to carry out a prostatectomy using less invasive methods such as laparoscopic surgery , or its subtype, robotic prostatectomy.

Good to know: In cases where only part of the prostate is to be removed, it is possible to perform the procedure without cutting into the surrounding skin at all. For example, a transurethral resection of the prostate can be performed by inserting a thin tube called a resectoscope into the bladder through the urethra to remove the prostate tissue.

The three main surgical methods of prostatectomy are:

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What Happens After Urethral Sling Surgery

Patients usually recover from this surgery quickly. Its best to limit demanding activities for approximately six weeks after surgery to avoid having the sling loosen before healing is complete.

After surgery, there may be swelling that makes it difficult to urinate. Youll have a catheter coming out of the urethra for two to three days. After this, the catheter is removed and just about everyone is able to void on their own. In rare cases, the catheter may have to be reinserted for a few days or up to a week if you cannot urinate.

After the swelling goes down, youll gradually be able to urinate on your own and empty your bladder. However, your normal urination pattern may not return for a few weeks.

The majority of men whove had this procedure have been cured of their urinary incontinence and no longer use pads. The others usually improve to the point where they dont use as many pads as they were before.

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Problems With Enlarged Prostate Gland

Benign enlargement of the prostate gland is more common as men get older. It can cause troublesome symptoms, although it doesnt always.

The urethra passes through the prostate gland, so men may have problems urinating if the enlarged gland restricts the flow of urine. If the flow stops completely, a catheter is required to empty the bladder. It is rare for this form of acute urinary retention to cause kidney damage.

An enlarged prostate doesnt always cause urinary problems. Studies indicate that the size of a mans prostate gland has little influence on the type or severity of his urination problems. BPH is just one possible cause of urinary symptoms.

Another cause of urinary symptoms can be changes to the muscular wall of the bladder, which may cause spasms of the bladder or weaken the bladder, causing problems passing urine.

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The Morning Of Your Surgery

Blood Clots In Urine After Prostate Surgery

Instructions for drinking before your surgery

You can drink a total of 12 ounces of water between midnight and 2 hours before your scheduled arrival time. Do not drink anything else.Do not drink anything starting 2 hours before your scheduled arrival time. This includes water.

Take your medications as instructed

If your healthcare provider told you to take certain medications the morning of your surgery, take only those medications with a sip of water. Depending on what medications you take, this may be all, some, or none of your usual morning medications.

Shower with a 4% CHG solution antiseptic skin cleanser

Shower with a 4% CHG solution antiseptic skin cleanser before you leave for the hospital. Use it the same way you did the night before.

Dont put on any lotion, cream, deodorant, makeup, powder, perfume, or cologne after your shower.

Things to remember

  • Wear something comfortable and loose-fitting.
  • If you wear contact lenses, wear your glasses instead. Wearing contact lenses during surgery can damage your eyes.
  • Dont wear any metal objects. Remove all jewelry, including body piercings. The equipment used during your surgery can cause burns if it touches metal.
  • Dont put on any lotion, cream, deodorant, makeup, powder, perfume, or cologne.
  • Leave valuable items at home.

What to bring

Once youre in the hospital

Get dressed for surgery

When its time to change for surgery, youll get a hospital gown, robe, and nonskid socks to wear.

Meet with a nurse

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Blood In Urine Experienced As Symptom Of Prostate Cancer

Blood in urine is known as hematuria, and it can be related to a number of conditions, often not severe or consequential. But in the case of prostate cancer, it usually occurs in advanced stages of the disease and it should not be ignored. Instead of the normal pale yellow color of the urine, men may note it is pink, red, brownish-red, or tea-colored. In some cases, it may not be seen with naked eye, but the presence of red blood cells in urine can be detected in the lab.

Blood in urine is associated with damage to the kidneys, where urine is created, or to a problem in another part of the urinary tract, including the ureters , the bladder , or the urethra . The tumor may press one of these structures, while blood in urine also may be a side effect of radiation therapy. Reporting blood in urine to a doctor may help readjust the treatment and improve patients quality of life.

Ways To Manage Bladder Changes

  • Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help with bladder control. Ask your doctor for a referral to a continence nurse or physiotherapist, or contact the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66.
  • Let your treatment team know if you have bladder or urinary problems, as they will be able to suggest strategies and may recommend medicines. To help manage these side effects, drink plenty of fluids, limit strong coffee and tea, and avoid drinking alcohol.

The blood vessels in the bladder and bowel can become more fragile after radiation therapy. This may mean you see blood in your urine or bowel motions, even months or years after treatment. Always let your doctor know if you notice new or unusual bleeding.

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Other Tests May Include:

Cystoscopy. This is a procedure a urologist performs to see inside the bladder and urethra . The doctor uses a thin tube with a camera and light on the endcalled a cystoscopeto look for cancer cells or other problems.Kidney imaging tests. The doctor may order an imaging test such as ultrasound, CT scan or MRI to look for a tumor, a kidney or bladder stone, an enlarged prostate or other problem.

Your doctor may order one more urine test to look for signs of infection, kidney disease and cancer. You may have a blood test to check for high levels of the protein creatinine, a sign of kidney disease.

In many cases, the doctor is not able to find out why there is blood in the urine, Dr. Smith notes. He or she may decide to retest your urine in a year. If blood is found, you may undergo more tests. Or you may be retested several years later.

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If Treatment Does Not Work

Why Do I Have Blood In My Urine?

Recovery from cancer is not always possible. If the cancer cannot be cured or controlled, the disease may be called advanced or terminal.

This diagnosis is stressful, and for some people, advanced cancer may be difficult to discuss. However, it is important to have open and honest conversations with your health care team to express your feelings, preferences, and concerns. The health care team has special skills, experience, and knowledge to support patients and their families and is there to help. Making sure a person is physically comfortable, free from pain, and emotionally supported is extremely important.

People who have advanced cancer and who are expected to live less than 6 months may want to consider hospice care. Hospice care is designed to provide the best possible quality of life for people who are near the end of life. You and your family are encouraged to talk with the health care team about hospice care options, which include hospice care at home, a special hospice center, or other health care locations. Nursing care and special equipment, including a hospital bed, can make staying at home a workable option for many families. Learn more about advanced cancer care planning.

After the death of a loved one, many people need support to help them cope with the loss. Learn more about grief and loss.

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Frequent Urination Burning With Urination And Difficulty Urinating

These are the most common complaints. Occasionally the urinary stream will weaken. Generally these symptoms are managed with medications to help the bladder function better or eliminate burning. Rarely, your doctor may order a urine test. Symptoms will resolve after the end of treatment. Contact your doctor if you see blood in your urine or if you are unable to urinate.

Transurethral Electro Resection Of The Prostate

Removing the enlarged part of the prostate is usually the best long-term treatment for an enlarged prostate gland. The portion of the gland that is not squeezing the urethra stays in place. The outside capsule around the gland is also untouched.

Transurethral electro-resection of the prostate is the traditional way to remove prostate tissue using minimally invasive surgical techniques. No outside incision is needed. Thereâs less pain, fewer complications and faster healing.

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What Types Of Incontinence Can Happen After Rp

There are two main types of urinary incontinence after RP:

  • Urgency incontinence is when you feel the need or urge to urinate but cannot make it to the toilet in time. This is often due to bladder spasms and medication can help. This type of incontinence is caused by changes in the way the bladder behaves after surgery.
  • Stress urinary incontinence is leakage of urine with movement or effort and can happen when you cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, change position, or exercise. This type of incontinence may be caused by damage to your external sphincter muscle. Almost all men will have some degree of SUI right after their urinary catheter is taken out. A urinary catheter is placed short term to collect urine during and while recovering from surgery. You may be taught how to do pelvic floor exercises to help with urinary control.

What Are The Symptoms And Signs

A Rare Location of Metastasis from Prostate Cancer: Hydronephrosis ...

The location of the prostate gland is fairly low in the pelvic region, below the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum. It lies in very close proximity to the urethra. The urethra is the tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the external environment. When the prostate gland swells, it tends to exert pressure on the urinary bladder as well as the urethra. Initially, there may be no significant disturbance. Eventually, however, the individual will notice certain changes in patterns of urination. The following symptoms are common manifestations of enlargement of the prostate gland:

  • The individual may find it difficult to initiate urination and may need to strain to force urine out.
  • There may be a reduced flow of urine.
  • The urine stream may pause intermittently.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, particularly at night.
  • The bladder is not voided completely upon urination.
  • Sudden, unexpected urges to urinate.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Exercise. When this is the cause, hematuria will usually go away in 24 hours.

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